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Due to Covid-19, the course
has been cancelled.
EBSA is continuing its Advanced Courses on Biophysics, and due to popular demand, this is 6th of the series focussing on PROBLEMS AND METHODS IN MEMBRANE BIOPHYSICS.
This 5-day advanced course is for PhD students, post-docs and young scientists.
The registration includes full accommodation (housing and meals) and is heavily subsidised by EBSA to ensure widest possible participation.
The number of participants is limited to 40, with preference given to graduate students.
The course will consist of plenary lectures by specialists in the field of membrane biophysics using
most methodologies that are applied to membranes (NMR, X-rays, AFM, EM, Fluorescence,
Calorimetry, Molecular Dynamics). Cases studies will be presented by teachers to small groups of
participants. Round table discussions where participants will present their ongoing work and for which
they may need advice from specialists, will follow.
Alicia Alonso (Bilbao, Spain), Félix M. Goñi (Bilbao, Spain), Anthony Watts (Oxford, UK).

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