During the summer school you will be staying at the Stockholm City Hostel. This hostel, in the very heart of Stockholm, offers modern facilities with kitchen, free internet (via Wi-Fi or the hostels computers) and laundry service, and Stockholm University is easily reached by a short bus or subway ride.
All meals (from Saturday evening until Monday lunchtime) and accommodation (Saturday and Sunday) are included.
The Summer school is only open for participants in the EBSA-2023 congress. You therefore need to register an Abstract (free of charge) to the congress in order to apply for participation in the Summer school.
To apply for participation in the summer school (places are limited), please tick the interest box when you register your abstract to the EBSA-2023 congress. Your participation will be confirmed latest April 26th, jointly with the announcements of the Bursary recipients. You will then pay your registration fee for the Summer school together with your registration for the EBSA congress before the Early Bird registration deadline (May 2nd, 2023).
Local students not requiring accommodation can register and attend for a fee of €80.
To apply for an EBSA bursary, which will be awarded for congress registration and accommodation, please see information on the congress home page.
To apply for an IUPAB Bursary, which will be awarded for travel, congress and workshop registration, and accommodation to a maximum total of €1000 to younger scientists from less developed countries as defined here,
Please download the application form here, and email your abstract, cv, proposed travel budget and confirmation of student status from your supervisor (include their email/website), with subject heading. “IUPAB Bursary” to: anthony.watts@bioch.ox.ac.uk before April 23rd 2023. Successful applicants will be informed before May 2nd 2023 (the early bird registration date for the congress).